Monday, August 13, 2007

He's coming home

A report in today's Äripäev business daily suggests that the gulf between Finland and Estonia may be getting smaller - and we're not talking tectonic plates. While there are as yet no statistics to support the claim, the pay on building sites the length and breadth of Ye Olde Suomi is said to no longer be sufficiently higher than it is in Estonia for our hard-hat labourers to bother working abroad, and the boys are heading home.

This is good news for me, as I may finally be able to find someone who can turn the pile of tiles gathering dust on my balcony into something.


AndrewGoesBroadway said...

It's also great because contruction workers are hot!

phutty said...

You should see Pirita tee at the moment: half of it is closed from the bridge all the way to the Russalka memorial, and it is awash with bronzed, golden haired, rippling young workmen wearing nothing more than shorts and trainers. Makes the trip to and from work more interesting.

AndrewGoesBroadway said...

I am so jealous of you. There is nothing hotter than the young construction workers in Estonia.

phutty said...

You would love it. All of them doing that swagger you loved so much about Estonian guys, and they probably have those voices too.

AndrewGoesBroadway said...

STOP IT! You're driving me crazy!!!