Passers-by fled in panic as the blast erupted close to the area's famous flower market, leaving a crater in the pavement that must have measured a good 30 cm and showering half a dozen plastic vases in grit. There were no reports of injuries, although the shockwave from the explosion is said to have snapped the stem of at least one carnation.
Apparently an electrical cable running beneath the pavement blew a fuse or something. But I ask you: where were the news stories and stop press! reports citing terrorism as a possible cause? Where were the claims that some local refugees from Kabul, secret Taliban insurgents, had detonated a remote device in retribution for Estonia's mission in Afghanistan?
If the Estonian media ever wants to be taken seriously by the rest of Europe, it's really going to have to up its game. Terrorism is a scapegoat we cannot afford to sacrifice.

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