Friday, July 13, 2007

Maar voornamelijk bekend om het bier en de gezelligheid!

In a few hours I'm off to Amsterdam, where I'll be spending a few days with - variously -my brother Matt (who flew in from Sydney a couple of days ago), his flatmate Michelle (who is doing a six-month stint there with ING), my friend David (who has lived there for years and years), his partner Nico (who is Dutch) and my Finnish friend Anu (who got there a couple of days back too). All in aid of my 30th birthday this Sunday. Huzzah! God love decadent international get-togethers.


Crooked Crow said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Steadmond!!!

Hope you are having fun in Amsterdam. Can't wait to hear all about it on this blog.


Dadda Joe said...

Happy birthday to you; Happy birthday to you; Happy birthday dear Phutty, happy birthday to you.
Have a great day on the 15th love from Old McDonald's daughter and Dadda Joe

AndrewGoesBroadway said...

So weird to see that your family actually calls you "Phutty." Explain why that is again.


AndrewGoesBroadway said...

Oh my god, Stacey, like when are you going back to Estonia and posting more stuff here? I am so lonely.

AndrewGoesBroadway said...

I can't wait for you to be back online because no one is commenting on my blogs . . . HURRY!!!