Monday, September 3, 2007

Open letter to Agnes Männiste from Postimees and all those other Estonian journalists and editors who think Sydney is the capital of Australia

Dear Agnes Männiste from Postimees and all those other Estonian journalists and editors who think that Sydney is the capital of Australia,

It is not. Check on Wikipedia if you don't believe me. Canberra might not be the most exciting place in the world, but somebody *please* do a story about it (preferably someone who's actually been there) so that at least a few thousand readers do a double-take. They'll probably think you're wrong, ironically, but at least I'll be happy.

All my love,


AndrewGoesBroadway said...

Can you write an open letter to the WORLD? Estonians aren't the only ones who think Sydney is the capital . . . Although I can think of one Estonian who thinks Toowoomba is the capital . . .

Bucky said...

I want to move to Canberra!

phutty said...

No you don't, bucky.