Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Doing it for Estonia: the apology

Disgraced* athlete Kristjan Rahnu has, as promised, issued a statement to the press about the whorehouse-related charges brought against him. It goes something like this:

"I'm a decathlete who, out of naievity and stupidity, has found himself in the thick of something I wouldn't recommend to anybody. For the confusion and unpleasantness I've caused I would like to apologise to [a long list of people]...

I've made mistakes, but I'm not a pimp. On the advice of my legal counsel and because the law dictates, I'm restricting my communication with the media, and to be honest I'm not ready for anything more... I know that my statement today and my wish not to appear on TV may be interpreted as an admission of guilt in terms of the accusations that have been made in the press. Honest people have nothing to hide and all that. But while the case is ongoing I can only repeat that I'm not a pimp.

What I want is to continue my career in sport, and I hope that's possible. It's the only way I'll be able to get my life back on track. In the meantime I'll provide all the help I can to the authorities in the name of a just finding. I hope you understand me. If you don't, I understand why."

* in the sense of 'by association'


AndrewGoesBroadway said...

He looks really hot. I would enjoy getting to know him in a pimplike way . . .

Anonymous said...

Are those pimples on his face?

AndrewGoesBroadway said...

I don't see any pimples. I see perfection.

AndrewGoesBroadway said...

I don't see any pimples. I see perfection.

Tiffanie said...

Im a really good friend of his and I can vouch that he is perfect.And those are not pimples. I dont think he gets them.

Tiffanie said...

Sorry Andrew he is straight.