Friday, February 29, 2008

Power to the principals

It's been a day for school-related news. At the annual conference of the Association of Estonian School Principals, Minister for Education Tõnis Lukas has confirmed his intention to submit a proposal to local governments to provide principals with greater powers of reprimand.

“That way they could decide for themselves on the spot whether to issue the likes of a verbal warning or a fine to students or anyone else who happens to misbehave on school premises,” the minister said. “This will undoubtedly help to rein in students who act out, use foul language, deliberately provoke teachers and other students or smoke on school grounds.”

Why do I not share his conviction?


AndrewGoesBroadway said...

That's hilarious! Principals can discipline ANYONE who misbehaves on campus? Even me? What if I walk by and scream some foul language? What are they going to do? Send me to detention?

phutty said...

Tazer you.