Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The view from your balcony

I don't live in an old Soviet apartment block. I used to, when I first came to Tallinn. It was quite close to the central market. After that I lived in an 'Estonian era' wooden building, beautifully restored and renovated, just outside the Old Town near the British Embassy. And a while back I moved into a brand new place out here in the middle of the forest. Here's an artist's impression.

And here's a map to give you some idea of where it is. The name of the development, Männisalu, means Pine Grove. There are lots of pine trees here, and very sandy soil.

For the first time in my life a couple of weeks ago I saw a hedgehog. It was foraging in the undergrowth at twilight, just up the road from my place. And the other day, from my living room window, in the clearing at the edge of the forest, I watched a fully grown deer grazing, quite happily, on the greenery. You don't see that very often when you live in a concrete box in the city.

1 comment:

AndrewGoesBroadway said...

Oh, Stac(e)y! I love this post. So great to see where you live . . . Oh, Eestimaa . . . I miss you so . . .

--Donna "Let's play with Hedgehogs" Uusimaki