Saturday, June 30, 2007

Who audits the National Audit Office?



AndrewGoesBroadway said...


phutty said...

Oh, Donna. I only asked because I had to translate a boring text of theirs about cultural monuments the other day which made me realise what boring jobs some people must have - in this case, spending all their time telling other people what they're doing wrong in their jobs. So who tells them if what they're doing is right or wrong?

AndrewGoesBroadway said...

Oh Stacey. Do you want to tell them they are doing something wrong? Is that what this is all about? Call and ask if they have a customer satisfaction comment card.

md3474 said...

I just spent most of last week with a bitch auditor! I hate auditors! This one was one of our Internal Auditors — doesn't make her any better than any other Auditor in my books. She was still there to tell me what my team are doing wrong which, in my books, is tantamount to a personal attack. I hope someone Audits the National Audit Office out of business. I've never had anything to do with them, but the name alone is enough to make me hate them!