Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Do the bus shop

Seems some of the country's buses are worthy of praise after all. The Arter insert in Postimees last weekend had a story in it that came across as so quintessentially Estonian, without actually probably being quintessentially Estonian at all, that I just had to report it.

There is a little bus that travels around the backwaters of rural Estonia which is in fact a shop. It looks like this:

Not little at all then, I suppose. But isn't it a great idea? I think it is. If I lived somewhere where they didn't even have sealed roads (apart from Tallinn, I mean) I'd love to have a shop on wheels stop outside my front door. Mind you, I'm too much of a city boy to ever live anywhere like that.

Nice to know that services like this are still available* in a country where I wouldn't have thought anywhere apart perhaps from Ruhnu and Kihnu (the two blink-and-you'll-miss-'em islands in the Gulf of Riga) was more than about half an hour's drive from a halfway decent supermarket these days.

*or rather available again now - clink on the link below if you want to read the story and find out the details... if you understand Estonian

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