Sunday, October 7, 2007

The sex lives of Estonians

A sex survey carried out by men's magazine FHM and reported on by SL Õhtuleht has revealed some interesting statistics about Estonians.

As might be expected of a tabloid newspaper, Õhtuleht chose to lead with the shocking fact that "almost half of all Estonian men would be willing to try sex with another man". Other interesting tidbits the survey threw up were that the average age at which men and women - or rather boys and girls - in the country lose their virginity is all of 14, but that they only have 4 sex partners during their lives. (Starting so early clearly doesn't inspire them.) (Either that or they value monogamy from a very early age.)

A total of 1334 Estonians took part in the worldwide survey - a perfectly representative 1/1000th of the population.


AndrewGoesBroadway said...

I LOVE THAT LEAD STATISTIC!!! If I had known that I would have much more aggressively pursued some of the "straight" guys I had crushes on while living there . . . Oh, TAIGUR . . . OH MATTI!!!

phutty said...

I wonder what Taigur and Matti are up to these days. And I wonder if they've even been to other language training courses where the teacher got them doing push-ups?