Friday, November 30, 2007

Smart [cl]asses

A three-year OECD study has revealed that Estonia teenagers are the fifth smartest bunch of kids in the world.

According to Postimees, the results of the international PISA test, carried out among 15 year olds in 57 countries, show that the knowledge and skills of Year 9 students from Estonia outclassed those of all of their peers bar those from Finland, Hong Kong, Canada and Taiwan, and equalling those of Japan. Fellow neighbours Sweden, Latvia and Russia languished outside of the top twenty.

"To paraphrase the prime minister, we've become one of the top five best educated countries in the world, and that's something we should be proud of," said Minister for Education Tõnis Lukas, referring to Andrus Ansip's election pledge to see Estonia as one of the five richest countries in Europe within 15 years. "It's arguably much more important than being one of the world's five wealthiest nations," he added.

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