Friday, November 30, 2007

Value for Money 2: How to Win Friends and Influence People

In the aftermath (for want of a less melodramatic term) of the rush on euros for fear of a devaluation of the kroon, Minister for Justice Rein Lang has been doing his best to win round the Russian-speaking population almost exclusively affected by the scam and who already feel a sense of injustice at the treatment they receive from the government.

"If people are stupid enough to fall for [such things], I don't see how it's the government's fault," he said at a press conference yesterday. "The very purposefully directed misinformation that has been spread about in recent months in Russian-language publications in Estonia is a big problem. It incites hostility. I hope the state security services are looking into it."

So speaks a man so sensible and tactful that he chose a Hitler/Nazi theme for his 50th birthday party and contributed to the recent celebrations marking the anniversary of the Estonian constitution by suggesting that a new beer should be named in its honour. ("It will make people more interested in it," he said.)

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