Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Towering inferno

Tallinn's television tower, home to the tallest viewing platform of its kind anywhere in the Nordic countries, is to close its doors to the public this Monday for good*.

The teletorn, as it is known locally, no longer meets the stringent safety requirements that would see it not going up in smoke and frying tourists left, right and centre in the event of a major fire. The one and only emergency exit route - a staircase a whole 66 centimetres wide - just doesn't cut the mustard.

All is not lost, however, as the company charged with the responsibility of looking after the tower are busy looking for ways to open it again as soon as possible. This would require a major facelift (which it needs; have you seen inside the thing? It's as daggy as all get out) costing a lot of money no one has and taking a lot of time. City Hall have expressed their sincerest condolences on its passing, while at the same time pointing out that they are in no position to help.

*Nevertheless, there is hope that with the good will of all involved and the deep pockets of yet-to-be-found financiers, people may soon once again be up on the platform squinting out across the gulf in search of Finland. (I've only ever seen it once.) There is a great affection for the thing and it is, after all, one of the city's true landmarks and tourist drawcards.

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